Data node attributes Since the result table only has 6 columns, you can only view 6 data node attributes at the same time. To view different attributes, you either change the whole table, using the “table” menu in the toolbar, or change individual table columns by using the associated column heading menu. The following attributes are available: Name The name of the data node. This attribute is inherited from its corresponding model node. Code The code of the data node. This attribute is inherited from its corresponding model node. Unit The unit of the data node. This attribute is inherited from its corresponding model node. Kind The kind of the data node. This attribute is inherited from its corresponding model node. Base The base value of the data node. This is the output value of the corresponding model node, when you run a deterministic calculation. Mean The mean value of the data node. This is obtained by calculating the average value of all the stochastic output values of the corresponding model node. The standard deviation of the data node. This is obtained by calculating the standard deviation of all stochastic output values of the corresponding model node. A standard statistical formula is applied. Min The minimum value of the data node. This is obtained by finding the minimum value of all stochastic output values of the corresponding model node. Max The maximum value of the data node. This is obtained by finding the maximum value of all stochastic output values of the corresponding model node. Inp.mean The input mean value of the data node. This is obtained by calculating the average value of all the stochastic input values of the corresponding model node. Loc.mean The input mean value of the data node. This is obtained by calculating the average value of all the stochastic local values of the corresponding model node. Inp.base The input base value of the data node. This is the input value of the corresponding model node, when you run a deterministic calculation. Loc.base The local base value of the data node. This is the local value of the corresponding model node, when you run a deterministic calculation.